A Trip Around the Boot
A Trip Around the Boot gets its name due to the shape of the Italic Peninsula: A boot!
It is a series of online workshops conducted in Italian about the most fascinating places in Italy.
The aim is to show you all aspects of Italian culture, traditions and values; to debunk myths and stereotypes about Italy; and to guide the participants through the Belpaese to learn about each place’s history, traditional food, expressions and secrets.
Through these workshops, we hope to awaken people’s interest in Italy, to share knowledge and experience and to go a little bit futher in the study of this beautiful language.
We’ve already been to the marvelous city of Verona and the enchanting region of Umbria, and this year’s destination is the majestic region of SIcily, the treasure of the Mediterranean.
We really hope to meet you at our next year’s stop. Can you guess where A Trip Around the Boot will take us?