About us

¡Hola! I’m Noelia, a Spanish Language Coach, Certified Translator and
Co-founder of E-Language. I see languages as something greater than just a bunch of words and grammar rules. They comprehend culture, history, lifestyle, individuals and society as a whole.

It's because of this passion I have for languages that in 2018, together with my husband, Christian, I founded E-Language, an online language academy.

My goal is to bring all my knowledge and expertise to all those students who are interested in learning and practicing a new language, its culture and everything you do not normally find in text books.

I'm a passionate traveler, reader and learner, but what I love the most is having the possibility of communicating with people all over the world. And that's certainly something I feel compelled to transmit in every single one of the services we offer.

Ciao, I’m Christian! I’m an Italian Languge Coach with more than 15 years of teaching experience and I am the Director of the Italian area of E-Language.

I have the privilege to have lived in Italy, where I was born, in Australia and now in Argentina. In Italy, I became a teacher and started to work in schools, but it was in Australia, and after in Argentina, where I could really develop my teaching abilities as an Italian as second language teacher, working with people from all around the world.

Based on this experience, I realized that most students, regardless of their age, start to learn when they get involved not only in the grammar, but also in the real culture of my country, in an entertaining and relaxed environment.

That is why, with my wife Noelia, I created E-Language, an online language academy. To be able to help English speakers in the process of learning a second language in a fun, easy and engaging way.